Collection: 03 Skin

What Is Ozone?

Ozone or O3 is Activated Oxygen (O2). Ozone contains three atoms of oxygen rather than the two atoms that Oxygen contains.  The additional atom of oxygen becomes a powerful, highly active element.  We call it Ozonated.  Activated.  Supercharged. The new ES Skincare Line, 03 Skin!

So basically, skincare treatment at the cellular level.

Skin & Ozone

When applied to the skin, ozonated oils carry their powerful properties through the cells. The oil heals damaged tissues and speeds up healing time is extremely healing, as it brings more oxygen to the area. It works to clear bacteria (very beneficial on acne), viral and fungal infections. Ozonated olive oil stimulates the growth of new healthy skin cells. Dry skin will be moisturized, and swelling and inflammations will be calmed. Skin rashes of all types benefit from the application of properly ozonated oil.  The smell.  You will become addicted. 


“Powerful anti-aging benefits:

  • Stimulation of growth for skin cells

  • Acts as a free radical scavenger on harmful toxins

  • Acts as a moisturizing facial conditioner

  • Cellulite Reduction

  • Wrinkles

Other healing benefits and uses include:

  • Sunburns and other burns

  • Wounds, cuts, ulcers

  • Insect bites and stings

  • Cleans and sterilizes the skin

  • Reduces swelling and redness

  • Calms the nerves and reduces the amount of pain in skin conditions

  • May increase cellular function and cellular memory

  • Aids in healing processes and reduces scarring

  • Good for animal wounds - it can be licked

  • Can be used as a natural under arm deodorant

  • Hemorrhoids – One of the best natural remedies

  • Sore muscles (helps to remove lactic acid from pores)

  • Ringworm

  • Fungal Infections on skin 

  • Dermatitis

  • Diaper Rash